Which theoretical frameworks for which developments of subjects, institutions and territories?

This conference proposes, in the tradition of Gérard Vergnaud's work, to reconsider the issues of education and training oriented towards the development of human by and for himself or herself. His scientific practice has the merit of going against the grain of a commercial orientation of the education and training systems which have shown their failure (alarming disaffection for the education professions, massive recruitment of contract workers, for example). On the one hand, we are moving towards scientific practice guided by the demand for truth in order to shed light on the conditions for the development of human with and for human; on the other hand, we are reducing human to a market value by shaping him or her so that he or she is profitable.

Within the framework of neo-liberal policies, social issues are confined to technical models of consultancy firms in the service of the subjugation of people. The lack of interest in scientific approaches is matched by a propagandistic drift towards education and training in the service of the market. We therefore propose to debate, in this colloquium, the concepts and theoretical frameworks of education, training and the transmission of experience in formal and informal spaces that place people at their centre.

Three main issues are proposed:

  1. The place given to human development by and for itself in education and training;
  2. The epistemological foundations of education and training systems;
  3. The relationship between trainers, researchers and learners.

These themes provide a basis for reflection on major social and educational issues such as the place of people in education and training systems, inclusion processes, teaching and learning in multicultural contexts, the transmission of professional expertise and the dissemination of pedagogical innovation, the intergenerational link, the harmonious combination of different spaces for the construction and dissemination of knowledge, abuse in education and training, and the use and place of digital technology in learning.

In addition to the conferences, lectures, posters and round tables, spaces will be open to various forms of communication to encourage exchanges between practitioners, decision-makers and researchers: discussions based on the screening of short films, participation of new actors from the social and solidarity economy, associations or think-tanks (e.g. Make Sense Education, Scholavie, Vers le Haut), the possibility of presenting a research show or other forms of presentation and discussion of the science.

13,14,15 June 2023 - Espace Condorcet, Aubervilliers

Congress organised by

  • the BONHEURS (CY Cergy Paris Université),
  • the Paragraphe (Paris 8 University),
  • the CIREL (Lille University), 
  • the EHESS (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, School of Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences)
  • the ARDéCo association, 
  • the Lab School,
  • the GEEMPA association, 
  • and the RPDP association.

More informations about Condorcet Campus 

Extension for submission to 30 April

Extension of the deadline for submission of papers to 30 April. The call for papers has been extended, you can submit your proposals on the conference website until 30 April.

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